Produkty dla en organizacja (2127)

Grzywa lwa

Grzywa lwa

Lion's Mane extract is derived from the Lion's Mane mushroom, recognized for its unique appearance resembling the mane of a lion and its potential health benefits. This extract is concentrated with bioactive compounds, including polysaccharides and hericenones, believed to support cognitive function and overall well-being. Lion's Mane extract is commonly used in traditional Asian medicine for its neuroprotective properties and potential to enhance memory and concentration. It is often consumed as a dietary supplement in capsule or liquid form.
Pieniąca Lotion Noutrix 8oz/236ml

Pieniąca Lotion Noutrix 8oz/236ml

Combinaison révolutionnaire de polymères cationiques riche en agents hydratants et conditionneurs protecteurs. Les cheveux deviennent éclatants, brillants, soyeux et volumineux. Cheveux et cuir chevelu sont protégés des dommages des finitions à chaud. Sèche vite et ne laisse pas de résidus SANS PARABENE Poids:227 g
Suszona Krew – Nawóz Stymulujący

Suszona Krew – Nawóz Stymulujący

Description Farine de sang séché pour engrais à action rapide. Azote (N) = 13, 5 % Phosphore (P) = 0,5 % Engrais organique stimulant pour la croissance et l’enracinement des plantes : rosiers, hortensias, azalées, vivaces, palmiers, arbustes , gazons Libération rapide et effets visibles sous une semaine. Produit pur sans ajout d’autres engrais (corne broyée etc…) Utilisable en agriculture biologique Préconisations de dosage : Fruitiers ou plantes d’ornement : 150 g/m2, Potager : 80 g / m2 Pour rebooster votre gazon (action reverdissante) : 50 g/m2 Une poignée ± 45 g Associer au tourteau de ricin lors des plantations. POIDS:ND DIMENSIONS:ND POIDS:1 kg, 10 kg, 2 kg, 25 kg, 5 kg
Ręcznik Hammam - Stary Róż

Ręcznik Hammam - Stary Róż

Hammam towel - Old Pink SKU:F4W-ey-ol-pk Model:Eye


Formula ad azione antirughe, idratante, rimineralizzante e detergente, che sfrutta le proprietà dell'Acido Ialuronico, in combinazione con le foglie di Echinacea, efficaci per ottenere una pelle ottimale idratazione e mantenimento della biofunzionalità attiva. La formula innovativa di Rossylla Hyaluronic Acid Time Freeze Emulsion (idratante), che contiene due molecole di Acido Ialuronico, aiuta ad ottenere un'idratazione cutanea duratura. Echinacea le foglie contribuiscono a rendere l'epidermide più vigorosa e luminosa; la ceramide aiuta ad avere una pelle liscia al tatto, oltre a mantenere la sua elasticità e compattezza, assicurando un aspetto giovane e radioso. L'aggiunta dell'estratto di ginseng, dall'effetto nutriente, dona alla pelle una piacevole sensazione di freschezza.
Produkt wegański do budowy kolagenu z kompleksu aminokwasów, nowość

Produkt wegański do budowy kolagenu z kompleksu aminokwasów, nowość

Kollagen ist das am häufigsten vorkommende Protein im menschlichen Körper und wird oft als das primäre Strukturprotein beschrieben, das unseren Geweben, unserer Haut und unseren Bändern sowie unserem Knorpel und unseren Gelenken Stabilität verleiht und sie zusammenhält. Dieser Aminosäurenkomplex (veganes Kollagen) ist in vielerlei Hinsicht überlegen gegenüber Kollagen tierischen Ursprungs. Da Kollagen tierischen Ursprungs nach der Einnahme im Körper in einzelne Aminosäuren zerlegt wird, können wir unserem Körper auch direkt alle wichtigen Aminosäuren ("veganes Kollagen") zur Verfügung stellen, anstatt die Umwege über tierisches Kollagen zu gehen. Da die Aminosäuren des "veganen Kollagens" bereits frei verfügbar und somit sofort einsatzbereit sind, ist die biologische Verfügbarkeit höher als bei tierischem Kollagen. Das Kollagen tierischen Ursprungs kann zudem Krankheiten oder Krankheitserreger übertragen und allergische Reaktionen hervorrufen. Darüber hinaus ist die Produktion von Kollagen tierischen Ursprungs nicht nachhaltig. Aminosäurenkomplex-Pulver, 100% rein, vegan, ohne Zusatzstoffe, zum Schutz und Aufbau der Gelenke: 25 kg Herkunft: Großbritannien
Granulat Pomidorowy 1-3 mm BIO - Kup Granulat Pomidorowy 1-3 mm BIO? | Hurtowa | VehGroshop

Granulat Pomidorowy 1-3 mm BIO - Kup Granulat Pomidorowy 1-3 mm BIO? | Hurtowa | VehGroshop

Herkunft: Die Tomate ist eine Frucht, die von der Tomatenpflanze (Solanum lycopersicum) stammt. In kulinarischer Hinsicht ist die Tomate ein Gemüse. Der Ursprung der Tomate liegt in Mesoamerika, wo die Vorfahren der Azteken und Mayas kleine Sorten anbauten. Im Jahr 1750 waren Tomaten noch gelbe Früchte, aber nach mehreren Kreuzungen wurden sie rot gefärbt. Nährstoffe. Tomaten enthalten viel Vitamin C, Karotine, die Vitamine B1, B2 und B6. Außerdem enthält sie die Mineralstoffe Kalium, Phosphor und Magnesium. Die Tomate wird als Gemüse gegessen, dies kann warm und kalt sein. Die guten Eigenschaften der Tomate werden durch Trocknung und Verarbeitung zu Stücken, Granulat oder Pulver konzentriert. Sie können zu vielen Gerichten hinzugefügt werden. Anwendungen getrocknetes Tomatengranulat:Getrocknetes Tomatengranulat hat einen reicheren, tieferen Tomatengeschmack als frische Tomaten und sorgt für eine Umami-Explosion


Unsere Bohnen sind von höchster Qualität und bieten eine hervorragende Quelle für pflanzliches Eiweiß. Sie sind reich an Ballaststoffen und essentiellen Nährstoffen, die für eine gesunde Ernährung unerlässlich sind. Unsere Bohnen sind vielseitig einsetzbar und eignen sich hervorragend für eine Vielzahl von Gerichten. Ob in Eintöpfen, Salaten oder als Beilage – unsere Bohnen sind eine köstliche und nahrhafte Ergänzung zu jeder Mahlzeit. Sie sind in verschiedenen Sorten erhältlich, um Ihren kulinarischen Vorlieben gerecht zu werden. Vertrauen Sie auf die Qualität unserer Bohnen, um Ihre Gerichte zu bereichern.
Nasiona kolendry

Nasiona kolendry

Coriander seeds are a globally cherished spice, second only to pepper in terms of usage. These seeds are grown and processed worldwide, with Egypt being a major producer. Coriander seeds offer a warm, husky, and aromatic flavor that is most commonly used in ground form. They are a cornerstone of Indian cuisine, adding a touch of sweetness and spiciness to dishes. In Indonesian cooking, coriander is used in tempeh recipes and bean dishes. The seeds elevate cabbage, corn, chutneys, and relishes, and are also used for vegetable pickling, making them a versatile addition to any kitchen.
Suplementy diety w kapsułkach powlekanych

Suplementy diety w kapsułkach powlekanych

Le capsule filmate rappresentano una soluzione innovativa per chi cerca un'esperienza di consumo più piacevole e sicura. Il rivestimento delle capsule facilita la deglutizione e maschera sapori e odori sgradevoli, proteggendo al contempo il colore e gli ingredienti dall'ambiente esterno. Questo tipo di capsule è ideale per chi desidera un integratore che sia facile da assumere e che mantenga la sua efficacia nel tempo. La produzione richiede un ordine minimo di 100.000 capsule e un tempo di consegna di otto settimane, assicurando una fornitura continua per i distributori. Le capsule filmate sono realizzate con una gamma di materie prime di alta qualità, tra cui estratti secchi vegetali, vitamine, minerali, aminoacidi, fermenti lattici, lattoferrina e colostro. Gli aromi naturali e artificiali aggiunti migliorano ulteriormente l'esperienza del consumatore. Questo prodotto è perfetto per chi cerca un integratore alimentare che offra non solo benefici nutrizionali, ma anche un'esperienza sensoriale migliorata.
Maca - superfood, organiczny, energetyzujący

Maca - superfood, organiczny, energetyzujący

La maca è una pianta originaria delle Ande del Perù, scientificamente conosciuta come Lepidium meyenii. È ampiamente coltivata per le sue radici commestibili, che sono utilizzate sia come alimento che come integratore. La maca è spesso promossa per i suoi presunti benefici per la salute, che includono l'aumento dell'energia. La maca è disponibile in diverse varietà, tra cui rossa, gialla e nera.
Krem do rąk z mlekiem osła - 100 ml

Krem do rąk z mlekiem osła - 100 ml

"Stai cercando una crema per le mani efficace e naturale che mantenga le mani morbide e idratate senza olio minerale, parabeni e vaselina?Quindi la crema per le mani del latte d'asino è esattamente ciò di cui hai bisogno!Formulato con il segreto di bellezza secolare: latte d'asino - questa crema per le mani è ricca di nutrienti che nutrono e proteggono la pelle. Il latte di asino è tradizionalmente noto per le sue proprietà di guarigione e idratante ed è ricco di vitamine e minerali come vitamine A, B1, B2, C e D, calcio, magnesio e potassio.La crema per le mani del latte di asino è realizzata solo con il latte di asino di altissima qualità, proveniente direttamente da asini eticamente trattati, per assicurarti di ottenere i migliori risultati per la tua pelle. Con il suo tubo da 100 ml, la crema per le mani del latte di asino è perfetta per l'uso quotidiano e facile da portare con te in viaggio.La crema viene rapidamente assorbita e non lascia residui unti sulle mani.
Stały Nawóz Organiczny - BeneSOL MĄKA Z PIERZA

Stały Nawóz Organiczny - BeneSOL MĄKA Z PIERZA

BeneSOL FEATHERMEAL 13N is an organic fertiliser that contributes to soil organic matter and soil fertility. It is an organic fertiliser with controlled release of nutrients over time. The time period of nutrient release amounts to at least 90 to 120 days. BeneSOL FEATHERMEAL 13N is an N-rich fertiliser with a controlled release of nitrogen. Due to the high nitrogen content, the development of roots, leaves, stems and vegetative organs is stimulated. BeneSOL Feathermeal 13N is commonly used as a highly effective N-source in organic farming. The fertiliser is also perfectly suited to be used as a supplement to other fertilisers. The product is manufactured in accordance with the EU regulations EC 1069/2009 and EU 142/2011. Pellet diameter 4,5 mm:100% Feathermeal Dry matter 97%:Organic matter 85% Very high N fertilizer with a slow release:Humidity 3%
ORGANICZNY płynny ekstrakt cytrynowy; ekstrakt w proszku z cytryny 4:1 - Chem2Market GmbH

ORGANICZNY płynny ekstrakt cytrynowy; ekstrakt w proszku z cytryny 4:1 - Chem2Market GmbH

Quality: for food Processed plant part: peel Extracting agent: ethanol & water Carrier: maltodextrin Scientific Name: Citrus limon (L.) Burm. F Lemon is an acidic citrus fruit which, due to its refreshing taste and high vitamin C content. Our products are sold in bulk. There is a minimum order quantity of 25kg for most of our products. Samples can be provided. Plants2Market is also BIO, HACCP and DIN EN ISO 9001 certified. We also offer the following products: Acerola Field bean Field horsetail African black bean Elecampane Alpha lipoic acid Amla Artichoke Ashwagandha Astaxanthin Valerian Bamboo Beta Glucan ORGANIC Birch leaf ORGANIC Brazilian almond ORGANIC Nettle ORGANIC Broccoli ORGANIC Chaga ORGANIC Chlorella ORGANIC Cranberry ORGANIC Barley grass ORGANIC Ginseng ORGANIC Grapefruit ORGANIC Kale ORGANIC Rosehip ORGANIC Blueberry ORGANIC Hedgehog spikenard ORGANIC Ginger ORGANIC Knotted kelp ORGANIC Turmeric
Olejek Eteryczny Z Rozmarynu Cineol "rosmarinus officinalis cin - Ekologiczny/Konwencjonalny

Olejek Eteryczny Z Rozmarynu Cineol "rosmarinus officinalis cin - Ekologiczny/Konwencjonalny

El aceite esencial de romero cineol es un aceite esencial obtenido a partir de la destilación de las hojas y las flores del romero (Rosmarinus officinalis) que contienen altas concentraciones de cineol (también conocido como eucaliptol). Aquí te proporciono más información sobre su origen, propiedades, usos y método de obtención: Origen: El romero es un arbusto perenne que crece en el Mediterráneo, Asia y África. Es una planta aromática que ha sido utilizada durante siglos tanto en la medicina tradicional como en la cocina. Propiedades: El aceite esencial de romero cineol es rico en cineol, un compuesto químico que le da sus propiedades antiinflamatorias, analgésicas, expectorantes y antiespasmódicas. También contiene otros componentes activos, como alfa-pineno, canfeno y borneol. Usos: El aceite esencial de romero cineol se utiliza en la aromaterapia y la medicina alternativa por sus propiedades curativas.
Olej eteryczny cytrynowy

Olej eteryczny cytrynowy

Lemon essential oil is extracted from the peel of lemon fruits (Citrus limon) and is known for its fresh, citrus and revitalizing aroma. This essential oil is prized for its energizing and stimulating properties that help improve mood, relieve stress, and increase mental clarity. In addition, lemon has detoxifying and antioxidant properties that can help cleanse the body and strengthen the immune system. On the skin, lemon essential oil is astringent and can help balance oily skin and lighten dark spots. It is also used in household cleaning due to its antibacterial and disinfectant properties. In short, lemon essential oil offers a variety of benefits, from improving mood and concentration to aiding in detoxification and skin care, making it versatile and popular in aromatherapy and personal care. Organic lemon essential oil also available. CONTAINER:5Kg, 10kg, 25Kg and 200Kg INCI:Citrus lemon peel oil CAS:84929-31-7 / 8008-56-8 EINECS:284-515-8
Konopie + Olej konopny - Z melatoniną

Konopie + Olej konopny - Z melatoniną

Hemp + Hempseed Oil Enjoy all the richness of a product made with 100% natural extra virgin hemp oil, organically grown and extracted by cold pressing. This is where its subtle taste comes from.
Hoodie z 100% organicznej jakości bawełny

Hoodie z 100% organicznej jakości bawełny

Felpa con cappuccio in tessuto 100% cotone organico personalizzabile con logo. - Felpa di alta qualita' con cappuccio, tessuto 100% cotone organico, personalizzabile con logo. Il tessuto e' fine e di qualita' eco-sostenibile, la personalizzazione col tuo logo aziendale puo' essere tramite ricamo, stampa, strass-swarovski, e patch cucito. Scegli il colore che desideri, inviaci il tuo logo e richiedi un preventivo gratuito. A partire da 30 pezzi. Minima quantita:30 pz. Taglie:XS S M L XL XXL XXXL prezzi:a preventivo
Świeża biała cukinia - Świeże warzywa

Świeża biała cukinia - Świeże warzywa

”HandelFresh’‘ is driven by a clear goal : to make the best Moroccan fruits and vegetables accessible to all. We not only emphasise quality, but also strive to provide the best personal service to our customers, our motto is ” A global company with personal touch” . By sourcing only from growers with a proven track record and stability are we able to give confidence in quality and efficient service. Sales can be contracted over a fixed period with agreed quantities and pricing. HandelFresh promises transparency, honesty, and an enduring commitment to supporting local communities.
Pomidory Ekologiczne - Pomidory

Pomidory Ekologiczne - Pomidory

SC Biocrisveg is dedicated to providing the freshest, high-quality fruits and vegetables. From local farms to your table, our range includes tomatoes, peppers, clementines, and more, all grown to meet international standards. Experience the taste of freshness with us!
Obornik kurzy - Granulowany nawóz

Obornik kurzy - Granulowany nawóz

N 3.5-4.2%, P 2.5-3%, K 1.5-2%, Ca 2.5%, Mg 0.7%, Organic matter 60-75%, pH 9.5


NEAUVIA™ ORGANIC INTENSE ROSE is designed specifically to correct lipoatrophy and tissue augmentation. NEAUVIA™ ORGANIC INTENSE ROSE is indicated by the highest amount of hyaluronic acid and high viscoelasticity level for great volume effect. SKU:NEAU-0007 Brand:Neauvia Concentration:HA 28 mg/ml, cross-linked with PEG Glycine L-Proline Volume 1ml Indication:High concentration of HA and high viscoelasticity level The highest quality raw materials The Pack Includes:1 x 1ml Syringe Results' Duration:Results are instant from the first treatment. The slow biodegradation means Manufacturer:MATEXLAB
Raw King Size Slim Organiczny + Wskazówki

Raw King Size Slim Organiczny + Wskazówki

Raw Organic King Size + Tips 32 sheets + 32 tips
Mydło - Hurtownia Mydła

Mydło - Hurtownia Mydła

Elevate your beauty parlour, massage practice, or wellness centre with premium natural body care products in large quantities from Phoenix Import! Our diverse range aims to infuse refinement into your daily beauty routine, offering a selection of the finest natural body care products. Explore our collection of organic soaps, meticulously crafted to cleanse while maintaining the skin's natural balance. Our shower gels provide a luxurious bathing experience, leaving skin soft and revitalized. Transform bath time into a soothing ritual with our invigorating bath products, including bath salts and bath bombs. Experience centuries-old craftsmanship with our Aleppo soaps, made from olive oil and laurel oil for a gentle cleansing experience. Discover the indulgent sensation of handmade soap with brands like Saules Fabrika and Le Chatelard 1802. Visit and create an account for prices and more information.
Suszone pomidory na słońcu

Suszone pomidory na słońcu

Sun-dried tomatoes exemplify the ideal ingredient for today’s fresh and processed food products. Food manufacturers know to specify sun-dried tomatoes when intense tomato flavor, healthful nutrition profile, versatility, convenience, and value-added appeal head the list of product criteria. Moreover, sun-dried tomatoes offer end-users a year-round, reliable source for a pleasing tomato identity and taste. ​ Our tomatoes are sun-dried in the world’s largest and most advanced processing facility, where state-of-the-art technology and equipment ensure a product of unparalleled quality. Fenced and paved dry yards, customized product and packaging capabilities, year-round availability, and new product development are just a few reasons why we are the leader in sun-dried tomatoes.
Herzberg HG-OKY676: 2-warstwowy Wielofunkcyjny Organizer - Dom i Życie

Herzberg HG-OKY676: 2-warstwowy Wielofunkcyjny Organizer - Dom i Życie

The 2-layer separation design diversified functions Powerful storage function with separators Quality material and exquisite workmanship. Moisture-proof and bacteria-free to ensure the hygiene of storage Decent dimension and size Vibrant and fun colors that complement any room Can be used as a drawer organizer that is designed for making it easier to find Fit perfectly on any drawers, dressers, shelves Completely solve the disorder of items. Perfect for art and craft supplies, tools, small garments, sewing kit, cosmetics, and many more Good for organizing with clothes, socks, underwear, bra, scarves, newborn baby items, and accessories. Reference:HG-OKY676 EAN:0634158800917 (L x l x H):22.50 cm x 15.50 cm x 18.00 cm Box Dimensions:47.5cm x 48.3cm x 72cm
Ekologiczne Drewno Wełniane Zapalniki w Plastikowych Torbach, Hurt - 2 kg w Plastikowej Torbie

Ekologiczne Drewno Wełniane Zapalniki w Plastikowych Torbach, Hurt - 2 kg w Plastikowej Torbie

Ignite your fires with ease using our Wood Wool Firelighters, conveniently packed in 2 kg doypack bags for sustained use. These natural firelighters are made from finely spun wood fibers, tightly bound to ensure a quick catch and a robust flame. Ideal for barbecues, campfires, and wood stoves, they are an eco-friendly alternative to chemical starters. The resealable doypack bag ensures your firelighters stay dry and ready for whenever you need that reliable spark. Lightweight and compact, they are a must-have for any outdoor enthusiast or homeowner seeking a natural way to light fires. Daypack plastic bag 2,0 kg Personalized design available Material: wax dipped pine wood shavings Full pallet 108 bags FSC certified Full truck 7128 bags
Odtłuszczone mleko w proszku (SMP)

Odtłuszczone mleko w proszku (SMP)

Odtłuszczone Mleko w Proszku (SMP) to produkt mleczarski powstały w wyniku odparowania świeżego pasteryzowanego odtłuszczonego mleka krowiego w procesie suszenia rozpyłowego. SMP to wszechstronny składnik o wysokim współczynniku dyspergowania i rozpuszczalności w wodzie, co czyni go idealnym wyborem do stosowania w produkcji przemysłowej. Jej szeroki zakres zastosowań obejmuje produkcję produktów mlecznych, takich jak jogurty, napoje na bazie mleka, analogi serów, desery, śmietanki do kawy i herbaty oraz mleko UHT. SMP ma okres przydatności do spożycia około 12 miesięcy. Jego łatwa obsługa i gładkość zapewniają wysoką jakość produktu końcowego w różnych gałęziach przemysłu.
Kukurydza EC-GISELLA indeks 260 - Cennik za hektar

Kukurydza EC-GISELLA indeks 260 - Cennik za hektar

EVAGRI sélectionne des variétés de maïs hybride sur l’ensemble du cycle de végétation pour favoriser au maximum le tonnage de matière sèche à l’hectare. Les variétés destinées au maïs ensilage sont également sélectionnées sur les critères de digestibilité et la valeur énergétique pour une meilleure valorisation animale. Indice fao : 260-270 demi precose corne denté à tendance dentée Grain, Ensilage et Biogaz en CCM
BIO oliwki bez pestek w oliwie z oliwek - CAIXEIRO

BIO oliwki bez pestek w oliwie z oliwek - CAIXEIRO

Olives BIO dénoyautées à l’huile d’olive – CAIXEIRO Découvrez les olives biologiques Caxeiro : un savoureux mélange d’olives vertes et violettes de variété Cobrançosa conservées dans de l’huile d’olive extra vierge. Parfait pour l’apéritif !